October 31, 2023

Next weeks theme is The art of focus and concentration

Our attention is the most valuable thing we have.

- The Language of Yin by Gabrielle Harris

The Theme I have picked for next week's class content on our online platform is quite close to my heart. With so much pulling at our attention in this busy world from phones pinging, computers notifying, advertising, social media, work, health, whanau, home life. I personally find it a daily struggle to get the focus and concentration required to do what really matters to me in life. Sometimes I truly question my sanity or if I have ADHD. However, that's when I lean into the yoga toolbox to bring me back. I can't wait to share this toolbox with you all next week.

I have a great Vinyasa Class coming out that can be done as one longer class or split into 2 shorter session.

A Yin Class focusing on going inward

And a Focus Meditation.

Look out for them with your Weekly Newsletter all dropping this Sunday!